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Friday, May 21, 2010

Bristol Palin Preaches Abstinence, for $30,000 A Pop

Bristol Palin, 19 year old daughter of inexperienced celebutant wanna-be politician but lacking any credible street cred, Sarah, is the new face of teen abstinence. What's funny is that Bristol is a teen mother, the daughter of a politician who actively preaches abstinence and Christian values. It's like Dick Cheney being against gay rights, yet he has a lesbian daughter. Off topic, but anyway, it's not so much that I'm against what she's doing (like a drug addict promoting an anti-drug campaign), it's that she's asking $30,000 a pop to speak to youth about abstinence. Really?!?!?!? I mean, really, Bristol Palin? You asking for $30,000 to speak about abstinence is like your Mom running for President. Absolutely retarded. Funny how she has also been quoted as saying that abstinence is unrealistic. I guess it really is all about the benjamins. Get a real job and good luck convincing teens to keep the peen out of the vageen. At least teach about birth control and tell them how you were too stupid to use any.

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