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Monday, May 31, 2010

Twix Latest Victim of Grocery Shrink Ray

Have you heard of the Grocery Shrink Ray? It's taking everyday grocery items by the balls and giving them a good squeeze. Many foods that you buy are becoming smaller while prices stay the same! The latest item is one of my all-time favorites, the Twix bar. You may have noticed new packaging for Twix (see photo - sans classic right-leaning italics) and I can assure you that this is meant to provide some degree of cover-up for the grocery shrink ray blast the Twix bar recently received. I've provided two pictures - the first of two King Size Twix bars next to each other unwrapped, and the second of them still in the wrapper. You can visibly see the size difference in both pictures. The regular size Twix has been affected too, not just King Size. The King Size used to be 3.35oz and is now 3.05oz. A real tragedy and rip off.

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